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20 Surprising Foods for Oral Health and Hygiene

Brushing twice a day, flossing once a day are the most recommended routine dental works for everyone. Apart from these, going for dental cleaning after every six months is also recommended by dentists because there are so many benefits of dental cleaning that you should not ignore. Furthermore, you may be aware of some food and beverages that should be avoided to maintain good oral health. Contrary to this, there are some suggested foods for oral health that can help you maintain and even improve your overall oral health.

Why Oral Health Is Important?

Your oral health is very important for your overall health because a poor oral health may cause some serious dental problems like periodontal disease, bad breath and gum disease. Some of these dental problems may lead to some serious health problems like Pneumonia, Endocarditis, Cancer, Sepsis and other heart related problems. A study from Harvard has clearly indicated that your dental plaque may be linked to a plaque in your arteries. So, please take care of your oral health.

How Does Oral Health Affect Overall Health?

Your oral health has a direct impact on your overall health because poor oral health may allow countless bacteria to enter into your body and cause endless infections. Your mouth is an entry point of several infections and there are already several bacteria residing there. If you don’t maintain a good oral health and if you don’t regularly wipe out those bacteria while brushing or flossing then they would react with the leftover food and generate dental plaque and other gum diseases that may be a direct link to your heart problems. So, please maintain all the recommended oral care routines.

20 Best Foods for Oral Health

There are some foods that should be avoided to maintain your oral health like alcohol and cold drinks. In the same way, there are some surprising oral health foods that may do wonders for your oral health.
Here are the top 20 oral health foods that should be a part of your regular diet:

1. Water

Water is the most important thing in our lives. Our body can’t function properly without the proper hydration. Drinking more water makes your mouth stay hydrated and mouth bacteria won’t be able to stay in your mouth for a long time, if you drink water after a regular interval. So, it prevents you from bad breath and cavities.

2. Milk

Milk has so many nutritions in it and Calcium is the largest portion. Calcium is essential to make your teeth strong and to protect your tooth enamel. Other surprising nutritions make your teeth and jaw bones strong.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt is surely among the most discussed foods when it comes to oral health and nutrition. Yogurt is made of milk and it is easily accessible. It has a good amount of Calcium plus probiotics that are very beneficial for your teeth because they may fight against bacteria and protect you from any of the gum disease or cavities.

4. Cheese

Cheese is enriched with Calcium just as other healthy foods for oral health and nutrition; moreover, it has less amount of sugar. That’s why it won’t allow any bacterial interaction with the sugar in the process of tooth decaying. Furthermore, it has Casein for enamel protection and Calcium for tooth strength and Phosphate for mouth’s pH balancing.

5. Celery

Celery is another food that surprisingly does wonders for your oral health. It improves your saliva production and indirectly helps you prevent mouth-bacteria.

6. Apple

Apple should be there in the list of best food for oral health. Apple has many nutritional values to strengthen your tooth enamel plus its natural acid fights against bacteria that causes bad breath.

7. Kiwi

Kiwi is enriched with Fiber and Calcium, so it should be counted among good oral foods. It is a citrus fruit that neutralizes the damaging acids in the mouth.

8. Pear

Pear is an amazing oral health food because it is less acidic and still provides a great amount of Vitamin C for your teeth.

9. Green Tea

Green tea can also be considered in a list of best food for oral health because it indirectly helps you in cavity protection. It is antioxidant and kills mouth-bacteria plus it lowers the saliva-acidity and it protects you from dental plaque.

10. Meat

Meat is enriched with protein and that’s why it should be considered in the discussion about oral health and nutrition. It may also help you to increase saliva production because you need to chew a lot while eating meat; however, do floss your teeth properly after taking meat chunks because they are really stubborn to pull out even with a toothbrush.

11. Fish

Fish is one of the popular oral health foods because they have a great nutritional value. Fish contains Calcium, Magnesium, Omega 3 and Phosphorus that are essential for your teeth.

12. Tofu

Tofu contains a high amount of Calcium and Phosphorus that strengthen your tooth enamel. That’s why tofu is considered among the healthy foods for oral health.

13. Almond

Almond provides the required Calcium for your teeth plus it helps you scrape tooth plaque while chewing them.

14. Carrot

Carrot has a vitamin C,A and fiber that help to protect your tooth enamel plus chewing it makes your teeth do workout and it eventually increases your saliva production to wash out bacteria.

15. Sweet Potato

Sweet potato contains Vitamin A that protects your enamel and heals your gum.

16. Onion

Onion is antibacterial and antimicrobial as well. It helps you fight against harmful bacteria and strengthen your teeth.

17. Garlic

Garlic has a great component (allicin) that makes it antibacterial, so it prohibits bacteria from growing in your mouth.

18. Broccoli

Broccoli is enriched with fiber and it prevents any inflammation in the mouth plus it builds a strong enamel protection wall too, if it is chewed(raw).

19. Strawberry

Strawberry is a delicious food plus it has some special nutritions like Malic Acid, Vitamin C and other antioxidants that prevent your teeth from any kind of stains or inflammation.

20. Sesame Seeds

Chewing sesame seeds help you increase saliva production while chewing plus they work as a scrub to dissolve your plaque and protect your enamel.

How Can I Improve My Oral Health?

You should brush twice a day, floss daily, eat plenty of water, eat highly enriched oral food, avoid acidic or alcoholic items and visit a dental clinic for dental cleaning after every six months. From here, you can avail free book appointments for dental consultation.