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4 Serious Symptoms of Root Canal Infection

Root canal infection is a serious problem because if your root canal is infected then it may lead to several advanced dental problems in no time. You should know all major signs and symptoms of root canal infection, so you won’t let it spread to surrounding teeth and gum.

What Is Root Canal Infection?

Root canal infection is a bacterial infection where the bacteria invades the inner side of the root canal and it may waste all of the restorative efforts that are made via root canal treatment to save the decaying tooth.

That’s why all dentists suggest you to keep following the best oral hygiene tips even after a root canal treatment because poor oral hygiene routine is among the most prominent bad breath causes and all other tooth infections.

If you won’t take care of your oral hygiene after a root canal process then it may lead to a severe dental infection (dental abscess) where dental abscess antibiotics may need to be consumed. If dental abscess is not treated well, then you may face severe root canal infection as well.

How Do You Know If a Root Canal Is Infected?

You may face severe pain in the root canal and you may observe some pimples on the gums – dental abscess. These dental abscesses may contain an infected pus as well. Furthermore, if your infected root canal becomes hot and you are facing some higher fever around 99-100 degrees then these are the possible signs of root canal infection. You should immediately consult with your dentists if you are facing any of these symptoms of root canal infection.

What Does a Root Canal Infection Feel Like?

Root canal infection is surely among the most painful experiences because all of the filings in the root canal is infected and this infected filling may easily reach the root and it infects everything in that area including gum, teeth, root, canals and jaw. So, you may feel extreme sensitivity on that side plus you may also observe some dental abscess there as well.

According to the restorative dentistry guide, if you are still facing pain, swelling and sensitivity even after some days of a successful root canal process then it is the right time to consult a cosmetic dentist or orthodontist to treat the root canal infection.

4 Root Canal Infection Signs That Should be Taken Seriously

Extreme pain, bad breath, swelling and dental abscess are among the popular symptoms for root canal infection that need to be taken seriously.

1. Extreme Pain

Extreme toothache

As we all know that every kind of dental infection leads to a toothache and toothache is among the most painful experiences. If you are still facing extreme pain in that area where you have made the treatment of the root canal then it is among the earliest symptoms for root canal infection. Be more cautious about overall oral hygiene and try to find the nearest root canal dentist after facing extreme pain in the root canal.

2. Bad Breath

Apart from extreme dental pain, bad breath is among the most obvious symptoms for root canal infection because a bad breath is not only noticed by yourself but the surrounding persons as well. If you are developing a bad breath even after a root canal treatment and regular brushing & flossing then maybe the remaining pulp is still infected in your root canal and you need to go for a root canal infection treatment.

3. Swelling

Teeth swelling shown in dental X-Ray

A root canal infection makes the whole area swelled – not just the gum surrounding the infected tooth. If you have gone through a successful root canal process and now the gum surrounding your root canal is extremely swollen that it is notable through jaw and chin; moreover, it is among the visible signs and symptoms of root canal infection that needs to be taken seriously.

4. Dental Abscess

Signs of dental abscess

Dental Abscess around a treated root canal is a serious sign of root canal infection that enforces to go for a root canal infection treatment because dental abscess quickly spreads everywhere and it may initiate several other oral infections as well.

In a Nutshell

Root canal is among the most reliable oral treatments that is done to save the decaying tooth. Furthermore, the root canal process makes sure that there would be no more infected pulp in the tooth-root that may infect the surrounding teeth, gum and the jaw.

If a root canal treatment is not successfully done and there remains some of the infected pulp in the root canals then it may cause a root canal infection that can be obviously spotted by some obvious signs of root canal infections e.g. extreme pain, bad breath, swelling and dental abscess.


If you have been going with root canal treatment services and now you are still facing the same symptoms of excessive pain, swelling, sensitivity and bad breath around the treated root canal then you should immediately consult with your preferred orthodontist ASAP because these are obvious signs of root canal infection.