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Deep Teeth Cleaning: Process and Frequency

Regular brushing and flossing are among the most suggested dental practices for good oral health; however, these two are not enough if you want to maintain your sparkling smile forever. You may also need to go with some professional teeth cleaning procedure twice a year at minimum and sometimes you may also need professional teeth cleaning 4 times a year.

A professional deep teeth cleaning procedure involves removing tartar, plaque and stains from all those hidden areas that are not usually reached by our regular brush. Such deep teeth cleaning procedures are necessary to avoid severe complex dental problems like tooth decay, halitosis and gum disease. Thus, you should only be more concerned about the necessity of the teeth cleaning process instead of a teeth cleaning cost guide.

What Is Teeth Cleaning?

Professional teeth cleaning by dentist

Teeth cleaning is a process to clean your teeth by removing stains, plaque and tartar from your teeth and gum lines. A professional teeth deep cleaning process involves scaling, polishing and root planing as well – for the severe cases. Your dentist may use some high concentrated peroxide, scalers or professional jet for the air polishing and deep teeth cleaning.

Is Dental Cleaning Painful?

A professional dental teeth cleaning procedure – that is suggested 2-4 times a year – is not so painful; however, if you have sensitive teeth then you may feel some discomfort during the deep teeth cleaning. Your dentist may use scalers and other professional dental equipment that may be painful for your oversensitive teeth but that pain can be dealt with local anesthesia – for some specific cases.

Is Teeth Cleaning Necessary?

Yes! A professional deep teeth cleaning 2-4 times a year is necessary for everyone because it may restrain the bacterial infection and tartar build up because dentists use some advanced dental equipment to clean our teeth and gum line. Furthermore, there are many additional benefits of teeth cleaning because it involves scaling, polishing and smoothing as well.

What Are the Steps of a Teeth Cleaning?

Steps of teeth cleaning infographic

The dental teeth cleaning procedure has the following major steps:

  • Examination

  • Scaling

  • Root planing (if needed)

  • Polishing (optional)

  • Fluoride Treatment (optional)

1. Examination

Oral examination and bacteria checking

An oral examination is the earliest teeth cleaning process. Your dentist may thoroughly check your mouth to check the possibility of bacterial infection and possible gum disease after checking the severity of plaque or stains. Furthermore, if you have dental abscess then you may also be asked to go with dental X-rays, so your teeth strength is determined before making any surgical considerations.

2. Scaling

Dental scaling and polishing

Once the oral examination is done, your teeth are properly scaled. In the dental scaling process, all the stains and plaque are removed with the help of a scalar. Your dentist may use advanced dental gauges and instruments to properly remove the stains and plaque from tougher places ( thin gum lines and gaps between teeth ).

3. Root Planing (If Needed)

Root planing process

Root planing is an additional process – to remove stains or plaque from root – that is only done if it is needed. When you go for teeth cleaning 2-4 times a year, you usually don’t need it because you are too conscious for your oral health; however, if a person is going for a professional teeth cleaning procedure for the first time then he/she may need root planing as well. Only your dentist may tell you if you need proper root planing or not.

4. Polishing (Optional)

Polishing young woman teeth

Once your teeth are scaled with the sharp surgical tools, they may lose their natural shine, so your dentist may suggest that you may go with the polishing to smooth your teeth and make them shine again. Remember that polishing is not a necessity as it is considered a cosmetic procedure to improve aesthetics.

5. Fluoride Treatment (Optional)

Teeth fluoride treatment

If your teeth are weak or oversensitive due to weak enamel, you may also choose to go with additional fluoride treatment. Fluoride may strengthen your enamel and make your teeth fight against bacterial infections.

How Often Should You Have Your Teeth Cleaned?

Ideally, you should go for a professional teeth cleaning procedure twice a year; however, if you are a smoker or alcoholic then you may need to go for a professional dental cleaning procedure 4 times a year. It all depends on your daily hygiene routine and particular condition of your teeth.

What Is the Best Teeth Cleaning Method?

Dental air polishing method

Dental air polishing has been the best teeth cleaning process over the last few years due to its comfort, reliability and efficacy. If you are still confused about “What is dental air polishing?” then you should know that this comfortable method consists of a set of a jet of air, water and fine powder to remove stains and plaque from the teeth. It does not hurt the enamel because no direct rubbing from surgical instruments is involved.

Where to Get Teeth Cleaned?

You should always consider the best dental clinic for professional teeth cleaning services. Make sure to check a specific clinic’s websites and published reviews before choosing it. A good dental clinic must have highly skilled staff plus certified head dentist.

If you are specifically looking for teeth cleaning services in Glen Burnie, then you should immediately choose the Glen Burnie Dental Group as they are most professionals in the town having specialized cosmetic dentists, pediatric dentists and restorative dentists as well as general dentists. You can find everything about them on their website and you may easily book an online appointment as well.

In a Nutshell

Deep teeth cleaning at a professional dental office is also recommended by the dentists along with routine daily care. Most dentists suggest it twice a year for normal people but if a person is having pale teeth due to excessive smoking or narcotics, then dentists may suggest teeth cleaning 4 times a year.

Deep teeth cleaning starts with a basic dental checkup. Then cleaning the plaque or stains via scaling is done. Last but not the least, if a person needs root planning due to excessive gum recession then dentists may suggest some additional appointments to fix everything to restore a sparkling smile.