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Your Guide to Dental Emergency Care Types

Dental emergency care is one of the most important topics in dentistry because dental emergencies can happen anytime. Anyone may face a dental emergency anytime, even good oral care routine followers. A dental emergency can be a painful experience, so you must know all about dental emergency care types, dental emergency services, and their treatment.

This guide covers dental emergency types, dental emergency care, and all the dental emergency services for quick treatment. Keep reading.

What Is Classed as a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergency definition inforgraphic

Any dental condition that needs immediate dental care is classed as a dental emergency. For example, suppose you have lost or cracked your filling or tooth after meeting with an accident, and now you are facing oral bleeding, severe toothache, and extreme discomfort. In that case, you must need dental emergency services for quick treatment. Your urgent dental emergency treatment may depend on a specific type of dental emergency.

What Can Cause a Dental Emergency?

Several situations can cause a dental emergency. Some of the most popular dental emergency causes are listed below:

  • Any accident that may cause a chipped tooth knocked out tooth, or excessive bleeding is one of the major causes of dental emergencies.

  • Poor oral health is one of the major causes of dental problems. It is one of the most important causes of bad breath causes; moreover, it may also cause a dental emergency like tooth decay and dental abscess, and such severe dental conditions are among the root canal infection symptoms.

  • Eating hard foods like nuts, ice, or candies may cause a dental emergency like lost filling, cracked crowns, chipped teeth, etc.

What Are the Most Common Dental Emergency Cares?

Several dental emergency cares depend on specific dental emergencies.

Following are some of the most common dental emergency care that can be helpful while dealing with specific dental emergencies.

Rinsing with Warm Water

Pouring hot water in glass

Rinsing with warm water is the most popular emergency dental care. Warm water is so effective in fighting bacteria, so if you are facing excessive tooth pain due to bacterial infection or dental surgery, you may rinse your mouth with warm water.

Applying an Ice Pack

Applying an ice pack on the sensitive area to numb the pain is a popular process in dental emergency services. Getting your teeth knocked out or cracked after meeting an accident is among the most common types of dental emergencies. Such dental emergency types need quick pain relievers to eliminate excessive pain caused by such injuries, and an ice pack provides such quick relief. That’s why an ice pack is also after root canal pain relief.

Taking Antibiotics

Taking antibiotics for severe dental infections like dental abscesses and mouth sores is a popular dental emergency treatment; however, you may still need to consult a dentist to know more about antibiotics for dental abscesses and their suggested dosage according to your specific case.

Swishing Your Mouth with Salt Water

Swishing your mouth with salt water for popular dental problems is probably the most common dental care remedy with a long history because our ancestors used this technique to treat all dental problems. Saltwater can fight bacteria, so it also counts among the best dental hygiene tips. You may also do it regularly.

Taking Analgesics

Tylenol tablets

Suppose you have just met with an accident, and your teeth are either broken or knocked out, and you are in real pain. In that case, such dental emergencies can be treated via taking analgesics as an emergency dental emergency treatment. You may take Tylenol, an effective over-the-counter medication to alleviate pain.

Placing a Sugarless Gum Over Lost Filling

Tooth lost filling close up

If you have just lost your filling and your sensitive area is exposed and you are feeling some discomfort or pain, you need to find your filling and place it on the targeted area until your meeting with a dentist. You really need to keep the missing peace moist, so it can be placed well. If you have lost your filling completely then you can also cover the sensitive area with a sugarless gum over the lost filling as a temporary filling.

Store Your Knocked Out Tooth/Crown in Milk

Placing a knocked tooth in Milk

Suppose your tooth or crown has been knocked out due to a massive strike. In that case, you need dental emergency care treatment because it is just not possible for anyone to place back the tooth or crown with extreme care, so you must consult your nearby dentist as soon as possible; meanwhile, you should place your knocked-out tooth or crown in milk to make it moist so that it won’t lose its essence or it won’t get decayed further.

Visiting Nearest Dentist

In case of any dental emergency, it is always suggested that you visit your nearest dentist, according to a guide for a dental consultation. Only a dentist may help you with dental emergencies because they have enough experience and adequate tools to deal with them and provide the best dental emergency care treatment. If you live near Glen Burnie, MD, then you may look for a free dental consultation in Glen Burnie in case of any dental emergency.