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How Do You Remove Old Veneer from Teeth?

Dental veneers are thin shells that are placed in front of your teeth to hide any dental imperfections. Their average life span is around 8-10 years; however, if you want to remove old veneers or replace them with newer ones because they are somehow chipped or damaged then you should always consult a cosmetic dentist for a professional veneer removal. Such professional cosmetic dental work cost may seem a lot but it’s worth it.

Let’s check a complete veneer removal process and how you can remove composite veneers, so you may understand then why only a professional should be involved during composite veneer removal.

Can Veneers Be Removed and Replaced?

Replacing veneer for young veneer

Yes! The dental veneers can be removed and replaced as well. There are obviously some strings attached to the difficulty of some specific veneer removal i.e. composite veneer removal is a lot easier than ceramic veneers. You should consult a general guide about the dental veneer process and types as it may cover all the strings attached to veneer’s longevity and difficulty of the veneer removal process.

Can You Remove Porcelain Veneers?

Yes! It is possible to remove porcelain veneers as well but it is a much more difficult process than composite veneer removal. Composite veneers are resin affixed while porcelain veneers are properly adhered to the front side of the tooth to match the shade of your teeth, so porcelain veneers are strongly bonded than composite veneers and that’s why it is a bit more difficult to remove the porcelain veneers than to remove composite veneers but it is still a viable option if done by a professional cosmetic dentist.

Are Veneers Hard to Remove?

There are some certain levels of difficulties associated with veneer removal depending upon some certain veneer types – porcelain veneer removal is much harder than to remove cosmetic veneers. If porcelain veneer removal is not done by an expert cosmetic dentist then it may damage your whole tooth.

How to Remove Veneers from Teeth?

There are two major ways to remove old veneers from teeth:

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Manual Veneer Removal
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Laser Veneer Removal

Manual Veneer Removal

Manual veneer removal involves grinding away the veneer via handpiece and a diamond to grind out the veneer and refine your tooth surface after just removing the veneer; however, this process may be painful and slower; plus, it may also damage the exposed dental surface lying just beneath the dental veneer.

Laser Veneer Removal

This advanced laser removal process involves the laser technology to smoothly debond the bonded veneer by making the laser penetrate through the veneer to remove the bonded cement. Thus, veneers are comfortably removed via applying much less pressure by laser. Furthermore, laser veneer removal won’t provide much damage to the internal surface beneath the veneer.

How to Remove Composite Veneers?

It is much easier to remove the composite veneers as compared to porcelain veneer removal because composite veneers are lightly affixed to your teeth with some resin-affixation-method.

These are three popular ways to remove composite veneers from your teeth:

Some cosmetic dentists use the sandpiper discs to remove the composite veneer, which is a quick process where flexible sand discs gently apply heat to your composite veneer and it is comfortably removed because the attaching bond may be melted.

Some cosmetic dentists use the cardible-drills to apply a gentle pressure on veneer to make them remove from the upper surface of teeth. It is a faster process than sandpiper disks but it won’t give better results than sandpiper.

Air abrasion method is much faster and much more reliable than both sandpiper-discs and the cardible-drills. In this method, aluminum oxide particles are streamed onto your teeth to remove the composite veneer.

Is Veneer Removal Painful?

Veneer removal may seem a painful process because it involves rubbing off the veneer from the outer side of the tooth. You may feel mild pain and some distress during the veer removal process; however, many cosmetic dentists prefer to numb the teeth before removing veneers, so it may not be as painful as it is considered.

Once your tooth is numb then you won’t feel any pain; however, you may feel some sensitivity right after the veneer removal and veneer replacement process.


Veneers are among the most popular cosmetic dental treatments to fix the minor imperfections especially among the front teeth. They are bonded in front of teeth after pulling off some of the enamel and once they need to be removed or replaced due to casual wear-and-tear or any forced crack, they need to be pulled off or melted via different methods and these methods are highly risky as well.

So, if you ever need any kind of teeth veneer services in Maryland, you should always consult with the best possible cosmetic dentist who has the adequate tools as well to gently remove the cosmetic veneers without hurting the inner surface of the tooth.