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Whiten Teeth Naturally: Tips from a Maryland Dentist

People seem obsessed with the cosmetic dental procedures to make their teeth sparkle. There is a lot of buzz about zoom teeth whitening and other whitening laser treatments which are not affordable by average citizens. They have to learn to make teeth whiten naturally by adapting some natural remedies along with some herbs.

This guide is all about natural teeth whitening remedies including soda, turmeric and coconut oil that are easily available at home. Keep reading.

Are Teeth Naturally White or Yellow?

Answer to "are teeth naturally white?"

Teeth are naturally white. The look white because they are protected by a white external protective layer – enamel; however, once an enamel is lost then the yellowish dentin is exposed that is a clear sign of enamel erosion and it is a clear indication that you need to begin some natural teeth whitening remedies; otherwise, consult a nearest cosmetic dentist to restore your white enamel again.

How to Whiten Teeth Naturally?

If you want a natural teeth whitening method, then you must be aware of the major cause of the yellowish hue. One of the most prominent causes is the yellow plaque buildup due to poor oral hygiene; moreover, your yellow dentin may become exposed once your white enamel is broken due to bacterial infection.

You should try the following natural ways for teeth whitening at home if you are feeling that your teeth’s natural sparkle is beginning to fade away.

Using Fluoride Toothpaste

Squeezing toothpaste on toothbrush

Brushing twice a day is a one stop solution to all your tooth problems. If you start brushing with a fluoride toothpaste then you may stay away from any bacterial infection and the plaque buildup as well. Furthermore, fluoride gives an extra sparkle and strength to your tooth’s enamel as well.

Using Mouthwashes

A bottle of mouthwash

Brushing twice a day is the most recommended oral hygiene routine; however, sole brushing is not a perfect oral hygiene routine as the brush won’t reach every place in the mouth. That’s why you should use mouthwashes as well to swish the antibacterial liquid every space inside the mouth.

Using Baking Soda

Jar and spoonful of baking soda

Teeth whitening with baking soda is an ancient way of keeping your teeth white. It actually works in the current era too because of its alkaline properties; however, you should only mix a little amount of baking soda with your paste to brush your teeth because an excessive amount may disrupt the tooth enamel as well.

Swishing with Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide in brown amber bottle

Hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial agent that is very helpful while fighting against the yellow plaque buildup. You may swish once a day with hydrogen peroxide only for a week to see the results and then stick to the normal brushing and flossing. Avoid overdoing it as it may weaken your enamel.

Using Turmeric

Spoonful of powder turmeric and raw one

Turmeric for teeth whitening is another ancient remedy that may work for you if you are looking for some teeth whitening natural ways. Turmeric is an amazing herb having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it may help fight against bacterial infection including plaque buildup.

Applying Coconut Oil

Coconut oil in a jar

Whitening teeth naturally with coconut oil is among the popular natural ways of teeth whitening. Its major purpose is to remove all toxicity and the inflammation from the mouth. Coconut oil has extreme anti-inflammatory properties as well. So, try swishing coconut oil to remove all bacterial yellowish plaque from your teeth.

Avoid Sugary and Acidic Food

Unhealthy sweet sugary soft drinks

You may be surprised to know this but if you just keep avoiding sugary and acidic foods followed by normal brushing and flossing, your teeth may resume to their natural whitening level in no time because acidic food is the major cause of yellow teeth. Acidic food makes the enamel weak and sugary food invites bacterial infection. That’s why, sometimes just avoiding sugary foods and acidic beverages are enough.

Foods that Naturally Whiten Teeth

There are some best foods for oral health that improve your overall oral health and they can improve your teeth whitening as well.

Following are some of the most popular foods that naturally whiten your teeth:

4 foods to whiten teeth naturally


Strawberries have malic acid that fights against tooth discoloration. It is among the most popular foods that keeps your teeth whiten by avoiding any bacterial attack.


Carrots are among the most popular foods for oral health. They increase the saliva production as well, so no severe bacterial infection may cause the plaque buildup. Furthermore, chewing carrots works like a natural toothbrush wiping the plaque from your teeth.


All citric foods are good for oral health but oranges are the most prominent ones. They assist you in fighting with all mouth bacteria and they also improve saliva production that may create enough humidity in your mouth to keep bacteria away.

Dairy Foods

Dairy foods are enriched with protein plus they also contain lactic acid as well. Increasing the dairy foods intake strengthens the tooth enamel and makes the teeth white as well.


If you can manage to keep your tooth’s enamel intact and stick with a good oral hygiene routine then you may easily whiten your teeth at home via baking soda, peroxide, turmeric and coconut oil. If your enamel is long gone and your dentin is exposed or your teeth are discolored due to smoking, you should consider professional teeth whitening services in Maryland.