If your teeth are stained or discolored and you want to restore your sparkling smile, there are many cosmetic dental procedures to help you with that. Among all cosmetic dentistry services, teeth whitening is a popular one and there are many ways to whiten your teeth e.g. laser treatment, whitening strips and zoom teeth whitening etc. Laser whitening and Zoom teeth whitening are considered a more quick, reliable and long lasting teeth whitening processes than whitening strips.
This is a complete guide about zoom teeth whitening procedure including all processes. Keep reading.
What Is Zoom Teeth Whitening?
Zoom teeth whitening is a cosmetic teeth whitening procedure including LED involvement. In this Zoom teeth whitening process, a whitening agent like peroxide is applied on the tooth enamel and then an LED laser is applied on the tooth enamel to speed up the whitening process. It lasts longer than a normal tooth whitening process.
Zoom Teeth Whitening vs Laser

Laser teeth whitening targets the one discolored tooth at a time while Zoom teeth whitening procedure deals all teeth at once – so it is quick. Furthermore. It is supported by the UV light filtering out the infrared. In this way, your teeth may not be overly exposed by the excessive heat. On the other hand, laser treatment for teeth whitening involves infrared lights too, so it may damage your enamel by an excessive heat exposure.
Zoom teeth whitening process is preferred when all teeth are supposed to be whitened; whereas, laser for teeth whitening treatment is suggested for the individual discolored tooth.
What Is Laser Teeth Whitening?
Laser teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure to whiten your teeth by applying bleaching gel and laser. The bleaching gel is applied on your tooth enamel and then laser is applied to make your teeth look much brighter than traditional whitening strips.
Does Zoom Teeth Whitening Hurt?
Nope! Zoom teeth whitening procedure does not involve any hurting mechanism; however, the patients with sensitive teeth may feel some discomfort for sometime after the zoom teeth whitening process. This discomfort may not last longer than 48 hours. On the other hand, laser treatment may actually hurt them more; therefore, patients with sensitive teeth should only rely with the zoom teeth whitening procedure instead of laser treatment because laser treatment also involves infrared rays that may be painful due to excessive heat.
How Often Can Zoom Whitening Be Done?
Zoom whitening is an effective teeth whitening procedure that provides long-lasting brightness to our teeth (up to 15-18 months). So, you should not be bothered about getting Zoom whitening treatment twice a year. It is recommended that you should only go once in a year for this Zoom whitening process because excessive exposure to UV may disrupt your enamel.
Zoom Whitening Procedure (Step-by-Step)
The whole Zoom whitening procedure majorly involves preparing the teeth, putting whitening agent on teeth and then exposing teeth under the Zoom LED light setup. Let’s have a look at each step.
1. Preparation of Teeth
First of all, your teeth are properly prepared before any cosmetic dental treatment. Your teeth should be properly cleaned and all the bacterial infection is disinfected and once your teeth are properly ready for the cosmetic procedure, then the whitening agent is applied on your teeth.
2. Applying Whitening Gel
After protecting your gums with a protective layer – a whitening gel, that mostly consists of peroxide material, is applied once your teeth are prepared for the cosmetic whitening process. As we know that Zoom teeth whitening is about whitening all teeth, so all teeth’s enamel is covered with the whitening gel in this process.
3. LED Exposure
Once all teeth are covered with the whitening agent (peroxide), your teeth are supposed to have LED exposure for straight 15-20 minutes to speed up the brightening process. LED helps oxidation fast and it helps the whitening gel to be blended well with the enamel.
4. Repetition
After a break of 5-10 minutes, the LED whitening exposure is repeated once or twice to make sure that the whole whitening agent is fully blended with teeth during the Zoom teeth whitening procedure.
5. Enamel Protection
Last but not the least, your cosmetic dentist may also cover your brightened teeth with an enamel protective gel, so your teeth may remain brightened for a long period.
Zoom Teeth Whitening Aftercares
After a successful Zoom teeth whitening process, you are not supposed to:
- Do smoking
- Consume alcohol
- Drink colored beverages
- Consume tobacco
- Excessively consume tea, coffee and soda
After a successful Zoom teeth whitening process, you are supposed to:
- Use whitening strips
- Brush twice a day
- Floss daily
All teeth whitening toothpastes and whitening strips are either time taking or not efficient enough. Laser for teeth whitening is way better than all these whitening toothpastes and whitening strips; however, it is only suitable for one or two teeth. If you need all of your teeth brightened at once then you should only consider the Zoom teeth whitening procedure at a professional dental office near you because it is perfect for all of your teeth providing an even amount of brightness to all teeth without exposing your teeth to excessive heat (IR rays). The brightness caused by the Zoom teeth whitening may last up to 12-15 months, so it is a good deal. That’s why if you live in Maryland, you should immediately consider zoom teeth whitening near Glen Burnie, MD.